I'm not very good at asking for money - even though it's for such a good cause - so my thought was that people wouldn't miss the 1p's, 2p's and 5p's, and it would all add up...and I was right!
Thanks to the amazing generosity of friends, the first of the tins have found their way back to me, and after counting and bagging all the coins, it added up to £45! One of the tins also contained a £20 note, and a friend stopped me in the supermarket yesterday and donated £10, so a quick trip to the bank next week will show a healthy jump in my fundraising total.
I have also been given a rather lovely porcelain doll, and a freestanding hairdryer, which were both too good for a car boot sale. I've listed them on ebay today (with a free listing...every penny counts!!) and will be donating anything they make to the justgiving account. Only a few hours in, and there are already 4 watchers on the hairdryer. It makes a change - I'm usually buying things we don't need from ebay!
And...on top of all that...I've also squeezed in a two mile run. It has been beautiful weather all day, and was still warm when I ventured out this evening. Hubby came with me and insisted on setting the pace, but looked a little green when I suggested a second trip round the block.
For anyone who's been reading my blog over the last few months and would like to help me raise funds for Asthma UK, please take a quick trip to www.justgiving.com/jasontherun
There are now only four weeks to go until the big day, and any donation will really help to make a difference.
Thank you xx
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