Temperatures have been well below freezing (down to -9), and we had more snow last night. It looks like we're set for a harsh winter...all the more reason to get fitter and run faster!
I haven't run in snow before, and am not sure I want to try it, although I have a friend who highly recommends it.
Fortunately, today was down as a cross training day, and I did a fairly quick 6km cycle - the only time I've been warm all day!
The rest of the day seems to have been taken up with hubby choosing a new snooker cue. You wouldn't believe what an in-depth process it is. To me, they are all stick-like, you hold them all in the same way and they all cost rather too much money. As I said to hubby after two hours in a cold shop...'JUST PICK ONE...NOW!'
On 31st August 2010, I was offered a gold bond place in the London Marathon 2011 running for Asthma UK. This blog will chart my training and fundraising over the next few months.
Tuesday, 30 November 2010
Saturday, 27 November 2010
Uh oh...snow
We woke up this morning to find a liberal sprinkling of snow had fallen overnight, and with temperatures lingering just below zero the paths and roads have remained quite slippery all day. I love looking out at the snow, but hate having to venture out in it. Two years ago, my best friend fell on ice and badly broke her ankle, and having seen what she went through I am always extra cautious when I'm walking on ice. If the forecasters are right, we could be in for a lot more snow this winter, so borrowing a treadmill now seems like a necessity rather than a luxury.
Today has been busy, busy, busy. Once a year we organise a youth day, and today was that day. It all went off very well, but it did mean that I haven't had time for any exercise (although I was on my feet for ten hours, so I think I can count that instead!).
An early night tonight, methinks, and if the ice has gone I'll try to fit in a couple of miles tomorrow.
Today has been busy, busy, busy. Once a year we organise a youth day, and today was that day. It all went off very well, but it did mean that I haven't had time for any exercise (although I was on my feet for ten hours, so I think I can count that instead!).
An early night tonight, methinks, and if the ice has gone I'll try to fit in a couple of miles tomorrow.
Thursday, 25 November 2010
A grand in the hand
I'm pleased and excited to report that my fundraising has reached the £1000 mark. Considering I only opened my Just Giving account a few weeks ago, the total has risen very quickly...and it's all thanks to my very generous friends and family, and all the businesses who have offered their support. Gift Aid makes each donation go that little bit further, too.
As you know, I'm trying to raise £2600, which will give me 100 reasons every mile to get to the finish line in April! If you want to help me reach the total and haven't donated yet, pay a quick visit to www.justgiving.com/jasontherun - every penny really does count.
I'm also pleased to tell you that the snow that is causing chaos in other parts of the UK hasn't made it to the midlands...yet...and I'm hoping it stays that way. Getting out to do a mile or two after work is hard enough in the cold and dark. Going out in the cold, dark and the snow is over and above the call of duty, even while training for a marathon! I took one look at the ice on the car this morning and decided to hop on the exercise bike instead. Much warmer!
My final exciting piece of news is that my blog has been read by people in the UK, Denmark, Germany, Russia, Sweden, Canada and the USA. When I began writing this blog I didn't really expect anyone to read it, but I know that some of you check in on a regular basis, and I'm very grateful for your support. Knowing that you're checking up on me is often the only thing to get me off the sofa and into my trainers, so thank you, wherever you are!
As you know, I'm trying to raise £2600, which will give me 100 reasons every mile to get to the finish line in April! If you want to help me reach the total and haven't donated yet, pay a quick visit to www.justgiving.com/jasontherun - every penny really does count.
I'm also pleased to tell you that the snow that is causing chaos in other parts of the UK hasn't made it to the midlands...yet...and I'm hoping it stays that way. Getting out to do a mile or two after work is hard enough in the cold and dark. Going out in the cold, dark and the snow is over and above the call of duty, even while training for a marathon! I took one look at the ice on the car this morning and decided to hop on the exercise bike instead. Much warmer!
My final exciting piece of news is that my blog has been read by people in the UK, Denmark, Germany, Russia, Sweden, Canada and the USA. When I began writing this blog I didn't really expect anyone to read it, but I know that some of you check in on a regular basis, and I'm very grateful for your support. Knowing that you're checking up on me is often the only thing to get me off the sofa and into my trainers, so thank you, wherever you are!
Tuesday, 23 November 2010
How can something so simple seem so complicated?
I hadn't realised how exhausting the whole fund-raising lark would be. I'm so pleased with the success of the quiz night, but am glad to be giving myself a few weeks break from raising money while I concentrate on other projects.
Although it's very cold out, the sun is shining today so I headed out for a two mile walk to blow away the cobwebs. Last week the physio told me that my foot lifts up at too much of a right angle, and I need to push off more from my toes. I've been walking since I was less than a year old (and my children will happily tell anyone that that's a long time ago!) but all of a sudden I'm over analysing what I'm doing, and something that should be simple is fast becoming very complicated! Is my heel striking the floor at the right point? Am I rolling my foot enough? Is my stride the right length? Far too confusing!
April is going to be a busy time in London - William and Kate have announced today that they'll be getting married on the 29th - 12 days after the marathon. Maybe I should take a sleeping bag with me, so if my ankle injury flares up somewhere along the route I can avoid embarrassment by pretending to be camping out ready to wave to the happy couple.
Although it's very cold out, the sun is shining today so I headed out for a two mile walk to blow away the cobwebs. Last week the physio told me that my foot lifts up at too much of a right angle, and I need to push off more from my toes. I've been walking since I was less than a year old (and my children will happily tell anyone that that's a long time ago!) but all of a sudden I'm over analysing what I'm doing, and something that should be simple is fast becoming very complicated! Is my heel striking the floor at the right point? Am I rolling my foot enough? Is my stride the right length? Far too confusing!
April is going to be a busy time in London - William and Kate have announced today that they'll be getting married on the 29th - 12 days after the marathon. Maybe I should take a sleeping bag with me, so if my ankle injury flares up somewhere along the route I can avoid embarrassment by pretending to be camping out ready to wave to the happy couple.
Saturday, 20 November 2010
Your starter for 10...
The evening was held at The Lighthouse, Halesowen, and all the staff worked really hard...and the food was fantastic!
We had ten rounds of questions - Geography, History, Science & Nature, Art & Literature, Music, General Knowledge, Film & TV, Food & Drink, Sport and a picture round. There was a lot of good natured banter, and some serious competition too, but most importantly everyone seemed to enjoy themselves.
Alongside the quiz there was a raffle, a guessing competition and some beautiful Phoenix cards for sale. The final count up showed that we had raised £200 for Asthma UK, which is a fantastic result.
Other than attending a poetry reading this afternoon, I've had a bit of a rest today (although I did fit in a quick 1 mile walk this morning), but I'm sure it won't be long until I'm planning the next fundraising event!
Thursday, 18 November 2010
Appointment with the vampires
Today has been one big rush around, and it's nice to have my first sit down with a cuppa.
I went to see the physio this morning and have now got some intensive stretching exercises to target my legs - 3 times a day until I go again. Boring, but very necessary, so I must be disciplined and do them. As a reward, I've been promised a deep tissue massage the next time I go!
On the way home from physio I collected a mini trampoline that I am borrowing for the next few months. From there I dashed across to meet my mother for half an hour, and then dashed back for my 'vampire appointment'.
I have been giving blood since I was 18 (other than while I was pregnant, and in the year after I'd had the children), and today I donated my 38th pint. It's quick and easy, and I like to think that my donation might actually help to save someones life.
If you don't already donate, please phone the blood donation people and make an appointment (0300 123 23 23 if you live in the UK, or look online at www.blood.co.uk).
The centre where I donate is only 3/4 mile from home, so I walked there and back just to squeeze in a little extra exercise.
Right...enough sitting down for one day...time to get some housework done
I went to see the physio this morning and have now got some intensive stretching exercises to target my legs - 3 times a day until I go again. Boring, but very necessary, so I must be disciplined and do them. As a reward, I've been promised a deep tissue massage the next time I go!
On the way home from physio I collected a mini trampoline that I am borrowing for the next few months. From there I dashed across to meet my mother for half an hour, and then dashed back for my 'vampire appointment'.
I have been giving blood since I was 18 (other than while I was pregnant, and in the year after I'd had the children), and today I donated my 38th pint. It's quick and easy, and I like to think that my donation might actually help to save someones life.
If you don't already donate, please phone the blood donation people and make an appointment (0300 123 23 23 if you live in the UK, or look online at www.blood.co.uk).
The centre where I donate is only 3/4 mile from home, so I walked there and back just to squeeze in a little extra exercise.
Right...enough sitting down for one day...time to get some housework done
Wednesday, 17 November 2010
New ideas in the pipeline
This morning I made a quick trip across to Friday's quiz venue to have a chat with the manager. If you read my last post, you'll know that they have just taken over and are now working hard to honour the booking for me. A couple of minor changes have been made to the evening, but I'm confident that they're going to do a brilliant job for me.
I divided up the gift donations this afternoon, so I have a super first prize for Friday's winning team, a 'losers' commiseration prize and four raffle prizes. Note to self: must buy a book of raffle tickets ready before Friday.
We braved the rain and gales this evening and headed to the local swimming pool. It was a relief to find that the water was quite warm, but with tea cooking in the oven there was only time for a quick half-mile swim.
While I sat waiting for the children to get changed I noticed a poster advertising the pool for hire, and had a bit of a lightbulb moment. I wandered across to reception, had a chat to the very friendly receptionist, and left my contact details with her. She is going to mention me to the manager to see if there is any possibility for me to hire the pool for a reduced rate, and run some kind of fundraising event. As ever, you'll be the first to know when I hear anything.
In an attempt to keep hubby in the loop with what I'm up to, I've now started emailing my blog entries to him. Today he expressed concern that recent posts could be lacking in humour, and has offered me some of his jokes. You have been warned...
I divided up the gift donations this afternoon, so I have a super first prize for Friday's winning team, a 'losers' commiseration prize and four raffle prizes. Note to self: must buy a book of raffle tickets ready before Friday.
We braved the rain and gales this evening and headed to the local swimming pool. It was a relief to find that the water was quite warm, but with tea cooking in the oven there was only time for a quick half-mile swim.
While I sat waiting for the children to get changed I noticed a poster advertising the pool for hire, and had a bit of a lightbulb moment. I wandered across to reception, had a chat to the very friendly receptionist, and left my contact details with her. She is going to mention me to the manager to see if there is any possibility for me to hire the pool for a reduced rate, and run some kind of fundraising event. As ever, you'll be the first to know when I hear anything.
In an attempt to keep hubby in the loop with what I'm up to, I've now started emailing my blog entries to him. Today he expressed concern that recent posts could be lacking in humour, and has offered me some of his jokes. You have been warned...
Monday, 15 November 2010
That sinking feeling...
I don't seem to have stopped today, but I'm not sure how much I've actually achieved. It was just one of those days.
So, what can I tell you...?
First...a big thank you to Brewers Fayre Great Park who have donated a £25 voucher from their restaurant. Again, such kindness from people who have never met me before.
Second...and not such good news...I've had a couple of quiz teams drop out from Friday's event, so I'm busy contacting all my friends to see if anyone else can come. (On the plus side for the teams attending, they've got more chance of coming away with some great prizes!)
Third...and this is the heart-stopping bit...I phoned the pub where I'm holding the quiz -
[Ring, Ring] Hello
Hello, I'm phoning to confirm numbers for the quiz on Friday night
When did you book this?
Oh, quite a few weeks ago
Ah - we've only just taken over what date did you want to come?
Friday. THIS Friday.
Is it ok? I've got lots of people coming...
I'm sure we can honour that booking; what meals would you like to order?
[Huge sigh of relief] Can we have.....
That was two hours ago, and I think my pulse is just about returning to normal! I'm going to go and meet the new owners on Wednesday to talk everything through, but they sound lovely, and I'm sure they'll prove to be superb hosts.
So, what can I tell you...?
First...a big thank you to Brewers Fayre Great Park who have donated a £25 voucher from their restaurant. Again, such kindness from people who have never met me before.
Second...and not such good news...I've had a couple of quiz teams drop out from Friday's event, so I'm busy contacting all my friends to see if anyone else can come. (On the plus side for the teams attending, they've got more chance of coming away with some great prizes!)
Third...and this is the heart-stopping bit...I phoned the pub where I'm holding the quiz -
[Ring, Ring] Hello
Hello, I'm phoning to confirm numbers for the quiz on Friday night
When did you book this?
Oh, quite a few weeks ago
Ah - we've only just taken over
Friday. THIS Friday.
Is it ok? I've got lots of people coming...
I'm sure we can honour that booking; what meals would you like to order?
[Huge sigh of relief] Can we have.....
That was two hours ago, and I think my pulse is just about returning to normal! I'm going to go and meet the new owners on Wednesday to talk everything through, but they sound lovely, and I'm sure they'll prove to be superb hosts.
Saturday, 13 November 2010
Local support
With my quiz night less that a week away, today has been set aside to approach local businesses to secure sponsorship, raffle prizes, and prizes for the winning quiz team.
Armed with posters, fundraising cards and big smiley faces, we have already been rewarded with support from 'Hair Studio' (Rubery) who have donated a £10 off voucher, 'Pet's Corner' (Rubery) who provided a bird feeder and peanuts, 'Hollywood Bowl' who donated tickets for four people to play, 'Empire Cinema' who donated two guest passes, 'Costcutter' (Rubery) who gave us two bottles of wine and 'Co-Op' (Rubery) who have given us a bottle of wine and a box of chocolates.
I know I've already said it, but it's worth saying again...people are very generous, not least because they can see the value of supporting Asthma UK. With one in eleven children, and one in twelve adults affected by asthma, and one person dying every seven hours from asthma, it is an area where funding for research is vital.
I've had more promises of raffle prizes, and I need to call back next week to collect them...I'll let you know how I get on!
Armed with posters, fundraising cards and big smiley faces, we have already been rewarded with support from 'Hair Studio' (Rubery) who have donated a £10 off voucher, 'Pet's Corner' (Rubery) who provided a bird feeder and peanuts, 'Hollywood Bowl' who donated tickets for four people to play, 'Empire Cinema' who donated two guest passes, 'Costcutter' (Rubery) who gave us two bottles of wine and 'Co-Op' (Rubery) who have given us a bottle of wine and a box of chocolates.
I know I've already said it, but it's worth saying again...people are very generous, not least because they can see the value of supporting Asthma UK. With one in eleven children, and one in twelve adults affected by asthma, and one person dying every seven hours from asthma, it is an area where funding for research is vital.
I've had more promises of raffle prizes, and I need to call back next week to collect them...I'll let you know how I get on!
Thursday, 11 November 2010
Odd measurements

To prove the effect that this injury has had on the strength in my right leg, he marked 15cm down from each knee, then measured each calf at that point. My right calf is a whole 2cm smaller,
showing how much my left leg has been compensating.
Not wanting to waste any time, he whisked me up to the gym and got me doing all sorts of strengthening exercises.
Not wanting to waste any time, he whisked me up to the gym and got me doing all sorts of strengthening exercises.
Now that I've got used to my orthotics, he's altering them to increase the support under my foot arch. While I'm waiting for them to be ready, I've got the outside of my right leg strapped up again so I don't overpronate too much. Gorgeous.
I'd only been home a few minutes when there was a knock at the door, and three big boxes arrived full of candle orders from last week's fundraising party. Within minutes, there were boxes, candles and polystyrene packing pieces strewn all over the lounge. I might be sat in the middle of chaos, but it smells delicious!
Wednesday, 10 November 2010
Fantastic friends and beautiful bears
I've also had an offer today from friends to check my quiz questions for me, so I'll be emailing them later. It will be good to get a second opinion on the level of difficulty.
As for exercise today, we braved the cold and headed off to the local swimming pool. I was extremely glad to find that the water was slightly warmer than usual, and I swam 1200 metres in 45 minutes.
It's lovely to be able to swim that kind of distance without getting breathless, when not that long ago just 500 metres would have been my absolute limit, and would have left me gasping for my inhaler.
Tomorrow is my next physio appointment, and I'm looking forward to seeing how he thinks my ankle is progressing. I feel that it is getting better - although nowhere near as quickly as I would like - and I'm longing for the day when I get the all clear to get stuck in to a full on marathon-training schedule.
Tuesday, 9 November 2010
Rounding 'em up
The weather has turned decidedly chilly, and I was quite glad yesterday to be in the warm on the exercise bike for my training. That said, it took some will power to get up and get going.
I had posted on my Facebook page that I had '1001 excuses not to exercise'. Wrestling with my desire to do nothing, I remarked to hubby that while I had so many excuses, I have one very good reason to exercise (meaning the marathon). 'Yes', said hubby. 'You're sat on it.' Charming!
So, 10 minutes later and TV remote in hand, I settled down for a long slow cycle, and completed 20km in 53 minutes.
It was the first decent exercise I'd done for a week, and although it was hard to get going I felt much better by the end.
A friend has kindly offered that I can borrow their treadmill over the winter, and I am very tempted to say 'yes'. I don't want to get behind in my training schedule, and the prospect of heading out through the front door when it's dark and wet is not terribly appealing.
My main job this week is to confirm who is or isn't attending my quiz night, as the place that we're using has asked for confirmation of food choices a week in advance. I'm also having doubts about some of my questions - are they too easy or too hard? - so am constantly researching alternatives. If nothing else, I've improved my general knowledge!
I had posted on my Facebook page that I had '1001 excuses not to exercise'. Wrestling with my desire to do nothing, I remarked to hubby that while I had so many excuses, I have one very good reason to exercise (meaning the marathon). 'Yes', said hubby. 'You're sat on it.' Charming!
So, 10 minutes later and TV remote in hand, I settled down for a long slow cycle, and completed 20km in 53 minutes.
It was the first decent exercise I'd done for a week, and although it was hard to get going I felt much better by the end.
A friend has kindly offered that I can borrow their treadmill over the winter, and I am very tempted to say 'yes'. I don't want to get behind in my training schedule, and the prospect of heading out through the front door when it's dark and wet is not terribly appealing.
My main job this week is to confirm who is or isn't attending my quiz night, as the place that we're using has asked for confirmation of food choices a week in advance. I'm also having doubts about some of my questions - are they too easy or too hard? - so am constantly researching alternatives. If nothing else, I've improved my general knowledge!
Saturday, 6 November 2010
Germs in abundance
Why is it that the only thing that children are happy to share is their germs?
I woke up yesterday with a sore throat, headache and temperature, and all plans of swimming were discarded in favour of two paracetamol and a blanket!
It's always been a family saying that if you get up, have a wash and get dressed you'll feel better. (This was what my Mum told my Dad many years ago...just before the doctor diagnosed him with meningitis!) On the whole, it's a philosophy I agree with, and one I've passed on to my children, so I did get dressed, decided I felt no better, and retired to the settee for the rest of the day.
The time wasn't completely wasted; I did spend most of the day gradually working my way through more quiz questions ready for my quiz night.
I'm being very careful to keep my notes hidden from hubby, as he will be on a team and I'd hate anyone to think that he might have an unfair advantage. The opposite is probably true, as I keep discarding questions on the basis that he'd probably know the answer.
Here's a little teaser for you - one of my rejects for the above reason...
On which motorway would you be travelling if you could see the Angel of the North?
I was right...hubby did know the answer! Do you...?
I woke up yesterday with a sore throat, headache and temperature, and all plans of swimming were discarded in favour of two paracetamol and a blanket!
It's always been a family saying that if you get up, have a wash and get dressed you'll feel better. (This was what my Mum told my Dad many years ago...just before the doctor diagnosed him with meningitis!) On the whole, it's a philosophy I agree with, and one I've passed on to my children, so I did get dressed, decided I felt no better, and retired to the settee for the rest of the day.
The time wasn't completely wasted; I did spend most of the day gradually working my way through more quiz questions ready for my quiz night.
I'm being very careful to keep my notes hidden from hubby, as he will be on a team and I'd hate anyone to think that he might have an unfair advantage. The opposite is probably true, as I keep discarding questions on the basis that he'd probably know the answer.
Here's a little teaser for you - one of my rejects for the above reason...
On which motorway would you be travelling if you could see the Angel of the North?
I was right...hubby did know the answer! Do you...?
Thursday, 4 November 2010
Rules and regulations
The training has taken a bit of a backseat this week. I've only done one lot of cycling, although that was for 50 minutes covering 17km. I had intended going swimming this morning, but had to take a poorly daughter to the doctors instead (official diagnosis: virus). Swimming will have to wait until tomorrow.
The good news this week: I have received a very generous donation from a friend, so that, added to the proceeds from Tuesday evening, has made this week a big one for fundraising.
I've been doing a lot of research into running a raffle, and it truly is a minefield! Holding a small scale raffle as part of another event, or just at one place (such as work) is not too bad, but to maximise my fundraising potential I need to organise a raffle that will run for a couple of weeks, and where I can sell tickets in lots of places (my work, hubby's work, friends, neighbours, etc) and to do that I need a Lotteries Licence from the council.
Not only will that cost me £40 (and another £30 to get tickets printed) but I am having a serious struggle with my conscience. I don't buy lottery tickets or place bets, and the thought of holding a lotteries licence for the next 12 months seems a big step to take. I can justify it by saying it will raise a lot of money for Asthma UK, and I am selling - not buying - the tickets, but is it a step too far?
And if I don't go ahead with a large raffle, how will I ever raise enough money...?
Answers on a postcard, please...
The good news this week: I have received a very generous donation from a friend, so that, added to the proceeds from Tuesday evening, has made this week a big one for fundraising.
I've been doing a lot of research into running a raffle, and it truly is a minefield! Holding a small scale raffle as part of another event, or just at one place (such as work) is not too bad, but to maximise my fundraising potential I need to organise a raffle that will run for a couple of weeks, and where I can sell tickets in lots of places (my work, hubby's work, friends, neighbours, etc) and to do that I need a Lotteries Licence from the council.
Not only will that cost me £40 (and another £30 to get tickets printed) but I am having a serious struggle with my conscience. I don't buy lottery tickets or place bets, and the thought of holding a lotteries licence for the next 12 months seems a big step to take. I can justify it by saying it will raise a lot of money for Asthma UK, and I am selling - not buying - the tickets, but is it a step too far?
And if I don't go ahead with a large raffle, how will I ever raise enough money...?
Answers on a postcard, please...
Tuesday, 2 November 2010
The sweet smell of candles - and success
This evening was my candle party, and what a fantastic evening we had!
It was so well supported by my lovely girlfriends, and I'm really grateful to Jacky from Partylite Candles, and Anne from Phoenix Cards for their hard work.
I received £100 commission from candle sales, £20 from card sales, and £13 from my cake raffle. I'll save you the trouble of looking for a calculator...we raised £133.
I've also been busy promoting my quiz night, and had have more offers of raffle prizes, so the fundraising is going really well at the moment.
The last of my friends have now gone home, and all that is left behind is the gentle waft of candle scents and some empty wine bottles.
It was so well supported by my lovely girlfriends, and I'm really grateful to Jacky from Partylite Candles, and Anne from Phoenix Cards for their hard work.
I received £100 commission from candle sales, £20 from card sales, and £13 from my cake raffle. I'll save you the trouble of looking for a calculator...we raised £133.
I've also been busy promoting my quiz night, and had have more offers of raffle prizes, so the fundraising is going really well at the moment.
The last of my friends have now gone home, and all that is left behind is the gentle waft of candle scents and some empty wine bottles.
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