Thursday, 11 November 2010

Odd measurements

I was back with the physio today, and he agrees that my right posterior tibial tendon seems to have a little more flex in it. Conversely, the lateral ligaments are too loose, and this is the root of the outer ankle discomfort I've been feeling.
To prove the effect that this injury has had on the strength in my right leg, he marked 15cm down from each knee, then measured each calf at that point. My right calf is a whole 2cm smaller, showing how much my left leg has been compensating.
Not wanting to waste any time, he whisked me up to the gym and got me doing all sorts of strengthening exercises.
Now that I've got used to my orthotics, he's altering them to increase the support under my foot arch. While I'm waiting for them to be ready, I've got the outside of my right leg strapped up again so I don't overpronate too much. Gorgeous.
I'd only been home a few minutes when there was a knock at the door, and three big boxes arrived full of candle orders from last week's fundraising party. Within minutes, there were boxes, candles and polystyrene packing pieces strewn all over the lounge. I might be sat in the middle of chaos, but it smells delicious!

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