The training has taken a bit of a backseat this week. I've only done one lot of cycling, although that was for 50 minutes covering 17km. I had intended going swimming this morning, but had to take a poorly daughter to the doctors instead (official diagnosis: virus). Swimming will have to wait until tomorrow.
The good news this week: I have received a very generous donation from a friend, so that, added to the proceeds from Tuesday evening, has made this week a big one for fundraising.
I've been doing a lot of research into running a raffle, and it truly is a minefield! Holding a small scale raffle as part of another event, or just at one place (such as work) is not too bad, but to maximise my fundraising potential I need to organise a raffle that will run for a couple of weeks, and where I can sell tickets in lots of places (my work, hubby's work, friends, neighbours, etc) and to do that I need a Lotteries Licence from the council.
Not only will that cost me £40 (and another £30 to get tickets printed) but I am having a serious struggle with my conscience. I don't buy lottery tickets or place bets, and the thought of holding a lotteries licence for the next 12 months seems a big step to take. I can justify it by saying it will raise a lot of money for Asthma UK, and I am selling - not buying - the tickets, but is it a step too far?
And if I don't go ahead with a large raffle, how will I ever raise enough money...?
Answers on a postcard, please...
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