Wednesday, 9 February 2011

A demanding dozen

It was disappointing to wake up to rain after yesterdays sunshine, but I was determined not to be defeated by the weather today.
I left the house at the same time as oldest daughter and walked with her to school. It was a lovely way to start the day, and gave me the opportunity for a slow warm-up before I did any running.
When she turned left to school, I headed on through Longbridge, along the Redditch Road and into Kings Norton. I've not run this route before and it was nice to try somewhere different for a change, although it was frustrating to have to wait to cross at so many road junctions.
Hubby works in Kings Norton, and I called in to see him to break up the run. His workplace coincided with the 6 mile mark, and so it was a good opportunity to catch my breath and stretch. The bonus was being handed water and a bacon and mushroom sarnie by his colleagues. Thanks guys - both were much appreciated! Maybe I should take this route more often!
After half an hours rest I set off again, this time heading up towards Northfield before turning back towards home. The second half was much harder as it was more uphill, the wind was blowing directly at me and I could feel a blister developing under my left foot.
At least I made it home in the dry, and was able to collapse on the sofa for an hour.
So, I've made it to twelve miles.
My schedule of long runs for the next few weeks is 10-12 miles next week, then up to 14, back to 10-12, up to 16, back again to 10-12 then a final long run of 18 miles. That allows me two weeks to taper before the big day.
In between long runs I'm planning two shorter runs a week of up to 4 miles, depending on how I'm holding up, and I really should start swimming again.
I'm exhausted just writing about it!!

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