Sunday, 27 February 2011

'Stitch in four places'

I'm pleased to report that 'the blister' is looking - and feeling - considerably better following an appointment with a pair of nail scissors and copious amounts of surgical spirit. I'm hoping that I've turned a bit of a corner with it, but only the next long run will tell.
Heavy rain all morning lead me to think that an outdoor excursion might be off for today, but around mid-afternoon the sun peeked through the clouds and the rain relented for a few minutes. Not wanting to waste an opportunity, I railroaded oldest daughter into coming out with me.
If you have ever travelled with small children, you'll be familiar with the 'are we nearly there yet?' question that accompanies every car journey. It seems that it's an ingrained habit that lasts well into the teenage years. At the end of the road, daughter asked if we'd done a mile yet. Not quite. Maybe 1/20th of a mile, but not a mile. This elicited a pout and a huff, but we motored on regardless.
We did a sprightly half a mile walk to warm up, and then a light jog for a mile. It was really good to have company, even though I was told more than once that 'I was trying to kill her' and that she had 'stitch in four places'. Don't ask.
We made it home as the clouds were turning black, and within minutes the rain was pelting against the windows again.
'We could do that again tomorrow', I said.
She didn't reply, but gave me a long hard stare.
I'll take that as a maybe.

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