Before today, my claims to fame have been sitting somewhere near Princess Anne at the Guildford County Show when I was about ten, and meeting snooker player Steve Davis in Preston. I've led a sheltered life, but today, all that has changed, and I have been catapulted to fame in the Bromsgrove Standard.
I guess there really is no backing out of this marathon thing now my entire neighbourhood knows what I'm up to!
The paper has very kindly printed my story, and my blog address, so for anyone visiting my blog for the first time as a result of the newspaper article, I'd like to wish you a very warm welcome. Please feel free to browse around and read what I've been up to, stay with me for the next few days and I'll tell you about my preparations for the big day, and in just over a week (aaarghh!!) you can come back and find out how I got on in London.
Although the paper printed my blog address, they sadly missed off my 'Just Giving' address. The real reason I am doing all this running is to raise £2600 for Asthma UK, and thanks to the generosity of family and friends I am well on the way to my target...and now you could help me, too!
I know times are difficult, and no-one has oodles of cash to spare, which is why I'm only asking for your loose change. Dig down behind cushions, check the pockets of your winter coats before you hang them in the deep recesses of the wardrobe and hunt in the ashtray in the car...gather all the pennies up, and please donate them to I keep saying it, but every penny really does count. Thank you!
If I haven't bored you too much, I hope you'll come back another day. Don't forget you can leave a comment in the box below...I'd love to hear from you!
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