Monday, 11 April 2011

Sleep well - I wish!

Reality is really hitting home now. Lots of people at work either saw the article in the paper or read about me in the work newsletter that came out at the end of last week, and have been wishing me all the best for Sunday. It's a real boost to know that so many people will be thinking about me on the day.

I'm trying to eat small, regular meals from hereon in and am drinking lots of water. I'm planning a final short run tomorrow, although I'm terrified of incurring a random last minute injury. The thought of a twisted ankle at this stage makes me shudder.

I'm also plagued by recurring dreams that centre around not reaching the start line, turning up without some vital piece of paperwork, losing my running shoes on the underground or a combination of all three. I'm going to be a nervous wreck by Sunday!

On a happier note, my best friend had a candle party this evening as a fundraiser for me. We had a great time, bought lots of lovely candles (ssshhh...don't tell hubby!) and raised another £40, which is fantastic!

Maybe I should have invested in a lavender candle...they're meant to be good for insomnia, aren't they?

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