Friday, 15 October 2010

The magic mile

I've taken it fairly easy over the last couple of days, and just done some gentle walking.
I know my ankle isn't quite right, but I've been rubbing arnica cream into it three or four times a day and the tendon feels a bit less sore.
My colleagues and I won an award for 'Innovation' at work, and yesterday was the presentation ceremony. I decided that it would be inappropriate to turn up in my best outfit paired with trainers, so chose the lowest of my high heels. I made sure I sat down as much as possible, and there don't seem to be any adverse effects on my ankle today.
I headed off to the swimming pool this morning with the intention of doing 40-44 lengths (1200-1320m), but seemed to make it to 40 lengths fairly I kept going...and going...until I'd reached the 54 lengths (1620m), which is equal to a mile.
The best bit...? I wasn't breathless at any point.
A few months ago my asthma stopped me from reaching a third of that distance, so I'm really thrilled.
Now I just need a volunteer to go shopping for me this afternoon, as I'm not sure I can make it round the supermarket pushing a trolley!!

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