The best day of my week was yesterday, for two reasons.
Reason number one: I was in a training session, and we split into groups and were given the task of defining motivation, and drawing a picture to represent what motivation means to us. When it came to sharing our ideas, one of the groups explained that I was their inspiration for motivation, and linked all their ideas to the motivation needed to complete a marathon. Along side was a stick figure, labelled 'Jas'. I was really touched, and brought their drawing home and have pinned it up by my treadmill for days when I need reminding about motivation. (I am, however, a little concerned that they labelled the marathon as 27.5 miles...I thought 26.2 was far enough!)
Reason number two: my oldest daughter played a flute solo in her school concert last night, and did a very good job, too. I'm very proud of the effort she's put in to practicing, and think she did an amazing job. It's good to be a mum.
And now to exercise. I've been consistently covering about 2 miles a day, as well as doing my stretching exercises. I'm pleased to report that my ankle hasn't been swelling at all, and I've had no pain. Hoorah!
I went to see the physio this afternoon, and she is pleased with how the stretching has increased the flexibility in my hamstrings, and is beginning to loosen up my calves.
I was 'treated' to some deep tissue massage, which brought tears to my eyes, and has left me with an incredibly tender calf. Before my next appointment in a couple of weeks time I've been given some eccentric loading exercises to do, which are apparently brilliant for the achilles tendon.
My usual physio isn't available for my next appointment, and I've been promised that the person I see next time is a lot firmer with their massage. Gulp. Any firmer and they'll be down to the bone!
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