It's been so long since my last post I think most of you must have forgotten me, but I'm still here, and haven't just been sat on the settee all week eating (that was just Tuesday!).
I've done a couple of hour runs on the treadmill, and on Sunday my friend hopped on the exercise bike alongside me while I ran, which helped to pass the time, and I was very grateful for the company.
As usual, today was 'long run' day, but I was a bit dismayed to see that snow had started to fall before I'd even reached the end of the road. I did a few quick mental calculations and decided that I could still do 9 miles, but that I'd follow the bus routes. That way, if the snow set in, I could hop on a bus and take the cowards route home!
I always carry small change for just such an emergency, but I've never needed to use it. I also carry a front door key, my inhaler, my mobile phone, some tissues (I always get a runny nose running in the cold!) and, if it's warmer, I carry water, too. I really need an assistant to run along side me with a bag full of my essentials. I had hoped one of the children would oblige, but they seem less than impressed at the idea.
The wind was absolutely bitter today, and which ever direction I headed it seemed to be blowing in my face, which wasn't the best. Fortunately, by the time I was heading past Northfield (3.5 miles in) the snow stopped, and other than a couple of light flurries I managed to get home in the dry.
I quite like the route I took today; the first 4 miles were mainly uphill, miles 4-6 were flatter, and the last three miles were predominantly downhill. I might well use that route in the future, as there are plenty of possible diversions to make it slightly longer.
The blister plaster did a good job today, and a friend has recommended some INNOV8 socks, so I'll keep an eye out for them. Believe it or not, the part of me that suffered most today was my ears! They were so cold they felt like they were swollen, and I really must remind hubby to find my woolly hat.
Hubby...if you're reading this...take note! Find the hat you borrowed from me, or buy me a new one! Soon!
On 31st August 2010, I was offered a gold bond place in the London Marathon 2011 running for Asthma UK. This blog will chart my training and fundraising over the next few months.
Thursday, 27 January 2011
Friday, 21 January 2011
A present in the post
I have two pieces of good news today...
First, my Asthma UK t-shirt has arrived, so I can get busy and personalise it ready for the big day. I've been told more than once that if you put your name on your race day t-shirt, the crowds will call out your name to egg you on, and I think I'll need all the encouragement I can get.
Second, I went to see the physio this morning, and she is confident enough with my progress to leave me without a follow up appointment. If I need to go back in the next four weeks, I can just ring, but otherwise, I'm on my own. Hurrah!
I did a gentle two miles today, and although I'm a bit achy, I seem to have survived yesterdays long outing...except for the blister, which is very sore. I think it's time to invest in some new socks.
First, my Asthma UK t-shirt has arrived, so I can get busy and personalise it ready for the big day. I've been told more than once that if you put your name on your race day t-shirt, the crowds will call out your name to egg you on, and I think I'll need all the encouragement I can get.
Second, I went to see the physio this morning, and she is confident enough with my progress to leave me without a follow up appointment. If I need to go back in the next four weeks, I can just ring, but otherwise, I'm on my own. Hurrah!
I did a gentle two miles today, and although I'm a bit achy, I seem to have survived yesterdays long outing...except for the blister, which is very sore. I think it's time to invest in some new socks.
Thursday, 20 January 2011
Upping the miles
How is it a week since my last long run? Time really is going so fast, and there are just three months left until the big day.
There was a really heavy frost overnight, and the pavements crunched underfoot. It was treacherous in places, so I was exceptionally mindful of keeping my balance. That said, the sky was blue and the sun was shining brightly, and from the warmth of the house you could mistake the day for summer. One foot through the front door and into the sub-zero temperatures soon dispelled that thought!
Less than a mile in, crossing the bridge over the main road, chaos reigned. Police cars, ambulances and fire engines were attending to a multiple pile up, and traffic was being re-routed. That kind of scene always sends a shiver down my spine, and I hope no-one was seriously injured.
After three to four miles, I was making good time, but gradually the sun disappeared behind the clouds and I descended into heavy fog. This seemed to reduce the oxygen content of the air by 50%, and I had to slow down a lot to keep my breathing even. All things considered, though, my breathing is so much better than it used to be, and I managed to keep going without using my inhaler.
Miles 5-6 were better as the fog cleared and the sun was back out, but it was all uphill, and hard going. Mile 7 got me back to the bridge over the accident. The road was still closed, and police were still redirecting the traffic, but the scene felt a little calmer than before.
The last mile home felt easy (other than knowing that a blister was forming on the side of my heel, and I couldn't do anything about it), and I made it home 0.2 miles ahead of my virtual partner.
It certainly feels good to be back up to a reasonable training level, although I'm very conscious that I'd like to be doing more miles at this point. All in all, I enjoyed an excellent run today, and I have a very impressive blister to prove it!
There was a really heavy frost overnight, and the pavements crunched underfoot. It was treacherous in places, so I was exceptionally mindful of keeping my balance. That said, the sky was blue and the sun was shining brightly, and from the warmth of the house you could mistake the day for summer. One foot through the front door and into the sub-zero temperatures soon dispelled that thought!
Less than a mile in, crossing the bridge over the main road, chaos reigned. Police cars, ambulances and fire engines were attending to a multiple pile up, and traffic was being re-routed. That kind of scene always sends a shiver down my spine, and I hope no-one was seriously injured.
After three to four miles, I was making good time, but gradually the sun disappeared behind the clouds and I descended into heavy fog. This seemed to reduce the oxygen content of the air by 50%, and I had to slow down a lot to keep my breathing even. All things considered, though, my breathing is so much better than it used to be, and I managed to keep going without using my inhaler.
Miles 5-6 were better as the fog cleared and the sun was back out, but it was all uphill, and hard going. Mile 7 got me back to the bridge over the accident. The road was still closed, and police were still redirecting the traffic, but the scene felt a little calmer than before.
The last mile home felt easy (other than knowing that a blister was forming on the side of my heel, and I couldn't do anything about it), and I made it home 0.2 miles ahead of my virtual partner.
It certainly feels good to be back up to a reasonable training level, although I'm very conscious that I'd like to be doing more miles at this point. All in all, I enjoyed an excellent run today, and I have a very impressive blister to prove it!
Tuesday, 18 January 2011
An early start

I'm all for a bit of multitasking, so I threw on my running shoes, hopped the dog into the boot of the car, and headed on to Cofton Park for half an hour.
Even though we live on the edge of Birmingham, we're surrounded by beautiful countryside, and the dog loves nothing more than to run and run. Unfortunately, he's useless on a lead, so the only way he does get exercised is in wide open spaces, but that suits him just fine.
Some places were quite muddy underfoot - the park still hasn't recovered from the Pope's visit in the Autumn - so I headed for the higher slopes where the ground was a bit firmer. The dog usually does all he can to scupper my runs, including jumping up at me and constantly criss-crossing in front of my legs, but today he was far more interested in a small flock of magpies that had the audacity to try to land. He managed to keep them airborne for most of the time we were there, and I couldn't quite understand why they didn't just fly off somewhere out of the range of the pesky chocolate labrador.
I would tell you how far I did, but I never did get round to recharging my Garmin, so your guess is as good as mine. I didn't exactly push myself, but it was great to be out in the early morning sunshine. Now the big question is...back to bed with my book, or do some jobs before work. Hmmm....
Thursday, 13 January 2011
Recharging the batteries
Thursdays are now set aside for my longest training session of the week, and I got back up to somewhere between five and a half and six miles today. I would normally be able to tell you exactly how far I'd done, but my Garmin signalled 'low battery' at 2 miles, and finally died at just under 5 miles.
It was really warm this morning, and the rain held off, so it was a pleasant run out. My calves were still achy before I'd even set off, so I spend a few minutes warming up in the house and doing some gentle stretches, then spent a lot of time stretching when I got home.
I'd like to say that I've come home all revved up and enthusiastic to get on with the cleaning, shopping, tidying and washing that needs doing, but, like my Garmin, I think I'm running on low battery too.
Maybe an hour with my feet up is in order, and then I'll see what the rest of the day brings.
It was really warm this morning, and the rain held off, so it was a pleasant run out. My calves were still achy before I'd even set off, so I spend a few minutes warming up in the house and doing some gentle stretches, then spent a lot of time stretching when I got home.
I'd like to say that I've come home all revved up and enthusiastic to get on with the cleaning, shopping, tidying and washing that needs doing, but, like my Garmin, I think I'm running on low battery too.
Maybe an hour with my feet up is in order, and then I'll see what the rest of the day brings.
Wednesday, 12 January 2011
Plan? What plan...?
I can't believe how much the new calf exercises are making my legs ache! I'm trying to console myself with the thought that I must be doing them right, and it must be doing some good.
I couldn't face going out today, and didn't want to go on the treadmill, but knew if I did nothing I'd be cross with myself.
Inspiration struck, and I dug out an exercise DVD. I have quite a collection; some celebrity ones that would be more useful remoulded into plant pots, but a few old faithfuls that have helped me get fit in the past (especially when the children were young, and I couldn't get out to a gym).
I chose a 'Rosemary Conley Whole Body Workout', and followed the thirty minute aerobic section and twenty minute toning session.
It was surprisingly good fun to do, although I always make sure the curtains are closed. It's a bit off putting when the postman takes a shortcut past the front window and catches me doing stretches with baked bean tins for's happened in the past, and it's very embarrassing when the next recorded delivery letter arrives.
The truth is, I'm a lot further away from my plan than I would like to be, but I'm trying not to get too stressed about it. I know if I push too hard now I'll be out of the running altogether, and I've worked too hard to let that happen.
I couldn't face going out today, and didn't want to go on the treadmill, but knew if I did nothing I'd be cross with myself.
Inspiration struck, and I dug out an exercise DVD. I have quite a collection; some celebrity ones that would be more useful remoulded into plant pots, but a few old faithfuls that have helped me get fit in the past (especially when the children were young, and I couldn't get out to a gym).
I chose a 'Rosemary Conley Whole Body Workout', and followed the thirty minute aerobic section and twenty minute toning session.
It was surprisingly good fun to do, although I always make sure the curtains are closed. It's a bit off putting when the postman takes a shortcut past the front window and catches me doing stretches with baked bean tins for's happened in the past, and it's very embarrassing when the next recorded delivery letter arrives.
The truth is, I'm a lot further away from my plan than I would like to be, but I'm trying not to get too stressed about it. I know if I push too hard now I'll be out of the running altogether, and I've worked too hard to let that happen.
Monday, 10 January 2011
Stretched to the limit
I went back to see the physio today, and this was combined with an appointment with Mr Orthotics. The good news is that there is no need to adjust the orthotics that I have, and they seem to be doing an adequate job of supporting my arches.
I've been given some more calf strengthening exercises, and I have to go back to icing my ankles three times a day, and always after exercise. (Just to clarify, that's icing with cold packs, not decorating them using an icing tube filled with a buttercream mixture!) There's nothing like sitting with ice packs pressed onto your extremities when temperatures are barely above freezing outside. Why can't the icing wait until the summer?
The bad news is that even with all the stretching, icing and strengthening work, my ankle might not be strong enough for April. It's very hard to prepare for such a big challenge with this thought in the back of my mind, but I've always worked on a 'one day at a time' principle, and I don't see any reason to change that now. On that basis, I was fit enough today to do my stretches and a couple of miles on the treadmill, so that's what I did.
What tomorrow, or the day after, or next week, or next month will bring, I don't know...but maybe it's best that way.
I've been given some more calf strengthening exercises, and I have to go back to icing my ankles three times a day, and always after exercise. (Just to clarify, that's icing with cold packs, not decorating them using an icing tube filled with a buttercream mixture!) There's nothing like sitting with ice packs pressed onto your extremities when temperatures are barely above freezing outside. Why can't the icing wait until the summer?
The bad news is that even with all the stretching, icing and strengthening work, my ankle might not be strong enough for April. It's very hard to prepare for such a big challenge with this thought in the back of my mind, but I've always worked on a 'one day at a time' principle, and I don't see any reason to change that now. On that basis, I was fit enough today to do my stretches and a couple of miles on the treadmill, so that's what I did.
What tomorrow, or the day after, or next week, or next month will bring, I don't know...but maybe it's best that way.
Friday, 7 January 2011
Just when we thought it was safe to go out...
...we woke this morning to a fresh covering of snow, with more falling. Now I'm twice as glad that I made the effort to go out yesterday, because I was confined to the treadmill this afternoon. I only did half an hour today as my leg felt a bit sore after yesterdays longer run. I've spent more time than usual stretching today, and that seems to have paid off.
I really must move the treadmill a bit. It's still next to a radiator, and after a few minutes it feels like I'm running in a sauna. Although, on second thoughts, maybe that will help to get rid of some of the extra pounds that I managed to collect during the holidays!
I've had good news today...I got 38/40 in the work Christmas quiz, and came first! Sadly this doesn't bring with it a luxury holiday or a pay rise, but a sense of satisfaction, and justification for spending most of December trawling the internet for random facts and figures.
I really must move the treadmill a bit. It's still next to a radiator, and after a few minutes it feels like I'm running in a sauna. Although, on second thoughts, maybe that will help to get rid of some of the extra pounds that I managed to collect during the holidays!
I've had good news today...I got 38/40 in the work Christmas quiz, and came first! Sadly this doesn't bring with it a luxury holiday or a pay rise, but a sense of satisfaction, and justification for spending most of December trawling the internet for random facts and figures.
Thursday, 6 January 2011
Slip slidin' away
It was chilly this morning, but dry, so I went out for my run rather than being couped up on the treadmill. By the time I reached half way down the road, I'd nearly fallen over twice. The pavements and roads were covered in ground frost, and it certainly added to the challenge of staying upright.
I went out with the intention of covering 4 miles, which I did, but I took it quite easy. This was probably a good thing, as by the half way point - and the furthest distance from home - I realised that I'd forgotten to pick up my mobile phone and inhaler. I think I mentioned the other day that I felt like I had a cold coming. So far, this hasn't materialised (phew!) but I am still wheezy on and off, so keeping the pace down for the last two miles home was easily justified.
I love being out because it gives me time to think without any other distractions. This morning, I spent my run toying with titles for an exhibition that I'm currently organising at work. I wonder if I can claim that back as overtime...?!
I went out with the intention of covering 4 miles, which I did, but I took it quite easy. This was probably a good thing, as by the half way point - and the furthest distance from home - I realised that I'd forgotten to pick up my mobile phone and inhaler. I think I mentioned the other day that I felt like I had a cold coming. So far, this hasn't materialised (phew!) but I am still wheezy on and off, so keeping the pace down for the last two miles home was easily justified.
I love being out because it gives me time to think without any other distractions. This morning, I spent my run toying with titles for an exhibition that I'm currently organising at work. I wonder if I can claim that back as overtime...?!
Tuesday, 4 January 2011
Back to reality
Christmas and New Year have come and gone, and there are no more holidays or long weekends to come, so it really is back to the usual routine from today.
I'm working late tonight, so got my exercise in early by running a couple of miles. I've been a bit wheezy and sneezy this morning, so wonder if I'm coming down with a bit of a cold. I hope that it won't come to anything.
Somehow I've managed to put on half a stone in the last three weeks, so need to work hard to get rid of it again. How is it so easy to eat extra, and so difficult to work it off? I was told many years ago that eating chocolate while standing on one leg means that you don't absorb any of the calories, but I'm beginning to think that this might not be the case. Hmmm. Now where did I leave those carrot sticks...?
I'm working late tonight, so got my exercise in early by running a couple of miles. I've been a bit wheezy and sneezy this morning, so wonder if I'm coming down with a bit of a cold. I hope that it won't come to anything.
Somehow I've managed to put on half a stone in the last three weeks, so need to work hard to get rid of it again. How is it so easy to eat extra, and so difficult to work it off? I was told many years ago that eating chocolate while standing on one leg means that you don't absorb any of the calories, but I'm beginning to think that this might not be the case. Hmmm. Now where did I leave those carrot sticks...?
Saturday, 1 January 2011
Happy New Year!
I went to physio yesterday morning, and after 20 minutes of soft tissue massage was told that the flexibility is the muscle is almost normal...a proud moment...I think it's the first time any part of me has been deemed such.
Last night was New Year's Eve, and we celebrated with friends - plenty of food, some Mario Carting and Buzz playing on the Wii, a musical interlude (a combination of piano, guitar and flute playing as well as some singing), all topped off with a glass of bubby at midnight. A perfect start to a New Year.
The first day of 2011 has been grey and drizzly, but I was determined to get out. My leg is quite sore from yesterday, and I felt that a couple of miles walk would probably help. It was lovely to be joined by various family members (and the dog), although the light drizzle that we set off in turned into heavier rain half way round. It was good to get out in the fresh air, and even better to return home to bacon sarnies!
I hope 2011 will be a happy and healthy year for you xx
Last night was New Year's Eve, and we celebrated with friends - plenty of food, some Mario Carting and Buzz playing on the Wii, a musical interlude (a combination of piano, guitar and flute playing as well as some singing), all topped off with a glass of bubby at midnight. A perfect start to a New Year.
The first day of 2011 has been grey and drizzly, but I was determined to get out. My leg is quite sore from yesterday, and I felt that a couple of miles walk would probably help. It was lovely to be joined by various family members (and the dog), although the light drizzle that we set off in turned into heavier rain half way round. It was good to get out in the fresh air, and even better to return home to bacon sarnies!
I hope 2011 will be a happy and healthy year for you xx
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