Thursday, 6 January 2011

Slip slidin' away

It was chilly this morning, but dry, so I went out for my run rather than being couped up on the treadmill. By the time I reached half way down the road, I'd nearly fallen over twice. The pavements and roads were covered in ground frost, and it certainly added to the challenge of staying upright.
I went out with the intention of covering 4 miles, which I did, but I took it quite easy. This was probably a good thing, as by the half way point - and the furthest distance from home - I realised that I'd forgotten to pick up my mobile phone and inhaler. I think I mentioned the other day that I felt like I had a cold coming. So far, this hasn't materialised (phew!) but I am still wheezy on and off, so keeping the pace down for the last two miles home was easily justified.
I love being out because it gives me time to think without any other distractions. This morning, I spent my run toying with titles for an exhibition that I'm currently organising at work. I wonder if I can claim that back as overtime...?!

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