Thursday, 20 January 2011

Upping the miles

How is it a week since my last long run? Time really is going so fast, and there are just three months left until the big day.
There was a really heavy frost overnight, and the pavements crunched underfoot. It was treacherous in places, so I was exceptionally mindful of keeping my balance. That said, the sky was blue and the sun was shining brightly, and from the warmth of the house you could mistake the day for summer. One foot through the front door and into the sub-zero temperatures soon dispelled that thought!
Less than a mile in, crossing the bridge over the main road, chaos reigned. Police cars, ambulances and fire engines were attending to a multiple pile up, and traffic was being re-routed. That kind of scene always sends a shiver down my spine, and I hope no-one was seriously injured.
After three to four miles, I was making good time, but gradually the sun disappeared behind the clouds and I descended into heavy fog. This seemed to reduce the oxygen content of the air by 50%, and I had to slow down a lot to keep my breathing even. All things considered, though, my breathing is so much better than it used to be, and I managed to keep going without using my inhaler.
Miles 5-6 were better as the fog cleared and the sun was back out, but it was all uphill, and hard going. Mile 7 got me back to the bridge over the accident. The road was still closed, and police were still redirecting the traffic, but the scene felt a little calmer than before.
The last mile home felt easy (other than knowing that a blister was forming on the side of my heel, and I couldn't do anything about it), and I made it home 0.2 miles ahead of my virtual partner.
It certainly feels good to be back up to a reasonable training level, although I'm very conscious that I'd like to be doing more miles at this point. All in all, I enjoyed an excellent run today, and I have a very impressive blister to prove it!

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