Friday, 17 September 2010

Improving slowly

It seems that rest, ice, ibuprofen and Battenburg cake are doing their work, and I'm back to walking comfortably. I'm still a bit reticent to put too much pressure through my ankle - and I'll be sticking to low impact exercises for a few days longer - but there are definite improvements.
I've only missed out on two runs, but it seems like for ever since I've been out and I miss my routine.
To feel that I'd done something, I did an hour of yoga today. It was very relaxing, but highlighted how tight that right leg is from ankle to calf. I've also been reading up on exercises to strengthen my ankles in the hope that I'll be able to avoid this kind of injury in the future. Apparently tracing the alphabet in the air with your toes is a good exercise, although they don't specify upper or lower case. Maybe I'll alternate to cover all bases.
I've been trying to use my enforced rest time productively by sorting out some more fundraising ideas. I find it awkward asking people to sponsor me as I know how tight cash is for everyone, but I thought I could ask people to save their small change for me over the next few months, then donate the total to my fundraising.
I've collected tins (opened by my Pampered Chef tin opener so there are no sharp edges!) and designed a label to go on them. So - look out, friends and family - I'll soon be asking you to collect pennies in my limited edition tins :o)

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