Monday, 27 September 2010

Stretched to the limit

I have finally removed all traces of the supportive strapping on my leg, and am pleased with how much better my ankle is feeling. I've been a good girl, and have been keeping up with my stretching exercises, as well as doing plenty of cycling. Even so, I can't help but feel that I've lost a lot of fitness over the last two weeks (is it only two weeks?), and if I make it to the start line of the half marathon I'll be happy to alternate between walking and running.
I've not done any 'proper' exercise today; I'd hoped to go to the gym at lunch time, but was just too busy, and there was only time for a quick stop at home before heading back out to my writing group this evening. I promise to make time tomorrow to go to the gym.
I have been dreaming up some more fundraising ideas, and plan to chat to a couple of local restaurants in the hope of enlisting their help. It's all top secret at the moment, but you'll be the first to know if this plan comes together.

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