Wednesday, 29 September 2010

The mysterious world of the swimming pool

Despite my best intentions, I didn't manage to get to the gym at lunch time yesterday (my morning meeting was a little longer than expected), so I spent 40 minutes on the exercise bike at home instead. My fitness levels must be improving because I'm able to work at a higher intensity for longer, but it's still not as much fun as running.
I did manage a little run yesterday - I ran upstairs to answer the phone! - and was encouraged by the fact that my ankle didn't hurt. Surely I must be able to get back to proper training soon?
We went for a family swim this evening, and I clocked up 44 lengths. I could have happily kept going, but the parking ticket was in danger of running out. I'm not a fast swimmer so never feel qualified enough to venture into the lanes, but I'm sure I must have swum the equivalent of an extra five lengths playing 'dodge the human obstacles'. Why do older ladies feel the need to pay to swim, and then stand in the middle of the pool chatting? And how do they manage to swim without getting their hair wet? Answers on a postcard...

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