He was so positive I could have hugged him, but I'm sure he was very glad that I didn't!
He went through the background of my injury, and instantly identified the source of the problem - too much pressure going through my posterior tibialis tendon.
'Does it hurt if I press on the tendon here?' he asked, digging a finger somewhere mid-calf, then scraped me off the ceiling so that I could nod my head as tears streamed down my face.
I already know that I overpronate when I run, but the physio tells me this is exacerbated when I get tired, and has resulted in too much strain on the poor tendon that runs from the bottom of my foot, past my ankle, and up to my knee.
But...it is possible to get it sorted :o)
Half an hour of exercises followed, and then I got the chance to get my breath back while he carried out some ultrasound treatment.
Half an hour of exercises followed, and then I got the chance to get my breath back while he carried out some ultrasound treatment.
I explained that my main goal is the London Marathon in April, but that I have been training for the last few months towards the Birmingham half marathon.
'Oh that's still five weeks away...you might still be fine for that,' he said. Hoorah! It'll be two weeks before he can tell me for sure, but it sounds more hopeful than I had imagined.
I'll be getting an orthotic next week - a support to go inside my shoe to help support under my foot - and I've got a list of daily exercises to build up the muscles around my ankle.
Until then, I'm trussed up like a turkey with plasters all around my foot and leg, and I'm not allowed to take them off until Sunday. Interesting.
Does my ankle hurt? Oh yes! But I know I'm getting excellent care and advice, and I'm finally hopeful that it'll all be ok in the end!
Yay that's brilliant news! You must be feeling ecstatic to see that light at the end of the tunnel :)
Hi Jas,
Phil here using moonbeams account, said to Karen I will be Sunbeam. lol
Good news about your ankle and hopefully a chance at 1/2 marathon?
I have had orthotics for over 20 years due to a poor arch in my foot, not completely flat footed but close. Have appointment on Oct 11 for video of my gate whilst walking on a treadmill.10k booked for Nov 20 at stratford as terget to get running again so up at 5am which is hard enough on its own then jog/walk as want to build up slowly to prevent injury. I have subscribed to Runners world and today on their website they had an article on 5 exercises for the lesser none muscles which if you do regularly prevent injury and covers ankles, knees, obliques, shoulders, bottom. thanks for inspiring me to get back into running and all the best with the ankle. cheers Phil
Thanks, Moonbeam...and Sunbeam ;o)
I'll look out for Runners World - I occasionally treat myself to a magazine as a reward for early starts, and there's usually something of value in there.
I'll look online for the Stratford 10k...I need all the experience I can get of running in a crowd.
Keep up the running - I feel better knowing I'm not the only nutter out there in the cold when everyone else is tucked up snugly in bed!!
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